How to Become a Popular Blogger

If you regularly talk about your life on Instagram or Vkontakte, it means that you already know a lot about blogging: you own basic tools, you know how to structure your thoughts, maybe you take pictures or mount. But to become a blogger and earn money with the help of content, a hobby needs to be turned into a real job.
This article is for those who want to learn how to become a blogger, but do not know where to start, and for those who have been in social networks for a long time, but are looking for fresh ideas. If you need start-up capital, then play at the PlayAmo Casino Canada.
Before Becoming a Blogger

- Create the right expectations
The first disappointment of novice bloggers is the gap between expectations and reality. When we follow bloggers on Instagram or watch entertaining videos on YouTube,
It seems that all their work is a continuous holiday. But in order to achieve a beautiful picture or an interesting plot, bloggers do a lot of preparatory work.
So ask yourself: Are you ready to write, photograph or shoot videos regularly and spend time making original material?
- Decide on the topic
Usually in such collections it is advised to blog about their hobbies, hobbies, passions. There is a rational beginning in this: it is easier to tell about what you like. But it seems that just passion is not enough. When choosing a topic, ask yourself three simple questions.
1. “Why can I talk about it competently and interestingly?” There are a lot of bloggers today — it’s hard to come up with a niche in which you can become the first. Clear positioning will help you find your audience. For each topic that seems to be the same, formulate one sentence with a story about the future blog.
2. “Who and why will watch or read this?” No one expects a detailed portrait of the target audience from a novice blogger. But if the author looks at who is reading his future competitors and what is being searched for in Google on his topic, the chances of providing interesting content will immediately increase. Knowledge about the audience will help you choose the format and platform later.
For example, videos about self-care are usually watched by young girls on Youtube or Instagram, so they are chosen as the main platform by beauty bloggers.
- Choose a format
You need to choose the format based on the audience, topic and abilities. Think about what goals you want to achieve with your publications (find a new job, get recognition, amuse your ego, popularize your views) and what each of the sites will give for this. The choice of the platform depends on the design of the content, its promotion, the tone of communication with subscribers, the strategy of blog development. To make it easier for you to decide, we have collected the main theses about popular blogging sites and ways to promote them.
- Arrange collaborations
Try to arrange joint videos with more popular bloggers who shoot videos for a similar audience. Usually, this format of cooperation is very popular with entertainment channels: bloggers participate in challenges together, go live or record stories.